Full-Stack Developer
AuraData | May 2021 – Aug 2021
- Implemented a rich text editor to the existing CMS to improve useability.
- designed a secure payment profile system to store user payment methods for future use.
- Began creating an entirely new site from the ground up using the ABP.IO framework with Angular as the front end.
- Functionality was based on the existing site but had to be entirely rebuilt.
- Followed domain-driven design principles throughout the application to standardize the code.
- Created responsive pages for use on any device using bootstrap and SCSS.
- Used Linq to create efficient database queries to optimize the site.
- Made custom API endpoints to link the front and back ends.
.Net/C# Software Developer
Innovative Automation Inc. | Sep 2020 – Dec 2020
- Managed and coordinated ERP data migration and implementation.
- Researched and constructed an industrial data logging device.
- Produced several C# applications for use within the ERP system.
- The financial tracker involved complex queries using SQL and Linq.
.Net/C# Software Developer
Innovative Automation Inc. | Jan 2020 – May 2020
- Used SQL Server Reporting Services to create several clean, modern, and intuitive reports for various applications.
- Some examples of these reports include an employee vacation report and material usage and predicted usage report.
- Partook in continuous improvement initiatives to improve current software, fix errors, and create new programs where needed.
- Modified existing applications to remove bugs, update UI, or add new features.
- Updated existing applications to use modern and scalable frameworks such as MVC, Blazor, Razor Pages, EfCore, and Asp.net Core.
- These applications included an interactive plant map and a contractor portal.
- Most of the applications became more efficient and had a simpler UI allowing for an overall increase in performance for users.